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How the CRNA Works with Employers to Protect the Public

July 11, 2024

The College of Registered Nurses of Alberta (CRNA) works closely with employers and other collaborators in Alberta's health care ecosystem to ensure that only licensed individuals are practising. The CRNA has a number of processes and tools in place to support employers.

Who the CRNA Regulates

The CRNA is responsible for regulating individuals using the following protected titles:

  • Registered nurse (RN) 
  • Certified graduate nurse (CGN) 
  • Nurse practitioner (NP) 
  • Graduate nurse (GN) 
  • Graduate nurse practitioner (GNP)

Health care designations in the Health Professions Act (HPA) that aren't listed above (including licensed practical nurse [LPN]), are governed by other colleges.

Annual Permit Renewal

One of the ways the CRNA helps ensure patient safety is by requiring all registrants to renew their permits on an annual basis. During renewal, registrants confirm that they are still qualified to provide safe, competent and ethical care.

The CRNA's practice year runs from Oct. 1 - Sept. 30. The renewal period for the 2024-2025 practice year will run from Aug. 1 - Sept. 30.

Permit fees for the 2024-2025 practice year have not increased. 

Resources for Employers

Employers are responsible for ensuring that their employees have an active practice permit.

Employers and the public can look up an individual's registration and permit status using the Find a Nurse tool on our website at any time. This tool also shows any conditions that may be attached to a permit. Employers have access to an Employer Lookup that sends the results of their searches directly to their email.

Additionally, employers have an obligation to report any employees licensed by the CRNA who are not meeting the Standards of Practice. All complaints received by the CRNA are reviewed according to our complaints management process.

More Information for Employers

Employers can sign up for our Employer Newsletter, which will help keep them up to date on regulatory matters, legislative changes that apply to nursing and their responsibilities as an employer.

Through our relationship with Alberta employers, we are ensuring that Albertans can trust the care and services they receive from our registrants.