Policy Number: | GP 6 | Effective Date: | September 2022 |
Last Review Date: | March 2021 | Next Review Date: | September 2023 |
Review Frequency: | Annually | Related Supporting Documents: |
Council’s role is established as per section 6 of the Act.
The composition of Council is established under Bylaw 2.
3.1. The College’s Council has an important role in ensuring the effective regulation of the nursing profession in Alberta. This policy gives an overview of the College’s expectations of Council members and the support that the College provides Council members in their essential role. The College has developed a carefully thought-out process to select Council members based on their character, competency and commitment to the College’s regulatory role and protection of the public. With this in mind, the College has high expectations for its Council members.
3.2. College Expectations
The College Expects:
3.2.1. Full participation in Council and Committee meetings and respect for fellow Council members and staff.
3.2.2. Council members to regularly attend meetings and to adhere to Council protocols which are found in the Code of Conduct for Council members.
3.2.3. Council members to be aware of their role regarding external communication found in the GP1 Council Charter.
3.2.4. Council members to participate in an annual evaluation, as set out in the Council and Committees’ Performance Review Framework. Council members will receive feedback on their individual performance and together with the Chair will develop an individualized plan to assist them in their growth and development as Council members.
3.2.5. Council members to meet and maintain all eligibility requirements.
3.3. Orientation and Governance Education
The College provides Council members with the following opportunities and support:
3.3.1. Council recognizes and supports the reasonable costs that are associated with being an effective Council member. The annual investment in governance is considered a Council annual budget item that is developed by Council, approved by Council, and is incorporated by the CEO & Registrar into the College annual budget. This includes: Formal annual orientation/training for new Council members and to update existing Council members (see Appendix). Ongoing learning opportunities such as Director Education programs and external Conferences.
3.3.2. The College will compensate Council members for all reasonable and approved expenses (as outlined in approved guidelines.) the College expects that individual Council member’s employers will also support these learning opportunities both materially and with encouragement.
3.3.3. The College expects that Council members who attend external Director Education programs will provide Council with feedback and any governance learnings that they feel are relevant to Council’s efforts to become more efficient and effective.
3.4. External Conferences
3.4.1. Council members are eligible to apply to attend external conferences. Priority will be given to conferences that support the College’s strategic priorities and the Council member’s learning needs with a focus on governance and core business expertise. The choice of conference will be made in consultation with the Chair.
3.4.2. The Council member is expected to report to Council on the learning outcomes of the conference to aid the mutual learning of all Council members.
3.4.3. The College will pay for travel, accommodation, registration, and other applicable items as outlined in approved guidelines.
3.5. Remuneration and Expense Recovery
Council recognizes the costs for governance process and Council members may be compensated if required (excluding preparation time for meetings) and reasonable expenses incurred may be reimbursed in compliance with approved guidelines.
3.6. Computer access
To ensure that Council members are accessible by email during their terms of office, the College will reimburse Council members for Internet connection at a rate as set out in approved guidelines.
Ethical conduct by members of Council is critical to competent, conscientious, and effective governance. The effectiveness of Council depends upon the commitment of each Council member to a high standard of personal conduct.
A decision to serve on Council represents a commitment to govern with excellence. Each Council member shall execute a pledge to comply with the Code of Conduct policy.
As a Council member, I hereby agree to:
The following conditions form an agreement between the College and Association of Registered Nurses of Alberta, hereinafter referred to as the College, and __________________________, (name) hereinafter referred to as Council Member.
All information that a Council member has access to or may encounter while doing the College business whether it be on SharePoint sites, email or other electronic methods is considered confidential and not to be discussed nor divulged to any unauthorized persons. This applies to all information that is personal information as defined by the Personal Information Protection Act (PIPA) and the College Privacy Policy, as well as operational or business information that is part of the day-to-day activity of the College It is the Council member’s responsibility to ensure that the information they access is secure and no printouts, copies, emails, or files are left open or exposed.
Council members with access to SharePoint sites are responsible for the information they have access to and need to ensure that the information is kept secure. Due diligence should be exercised to ensure that information on the site is secure and only encrypted keys provided by the College with unshared passwords are used to copy information. The SharePoint user who is accessing or viewing confidential information on a computer system not owned by the College is responsible for deleting any information that was saved on the computer as well as deleting temporary Internet files before signing off. It is the SharePoint user’s responsibility to ensure memory keys and any other information is kept in a safe place that only the legitimate users have access to. When a term expires, encrypted keys must be returned to the College.
Access to the Internet has been provided to Council members for the benefit of conducting College business when using College devices or the College wireless network. It allows Council members to connect to information resources around the world. Every Council member has a responsibility to maintain and enhance the College's public image and to use the Internet in a productive manner.
Council members accessing the Internet on College devices are representing the College and as such are responsible for using the Internet in a professional and ethical manner. Council members can use the College provided devices or the College wireless network to check personal email or accounts but should limit access to breaks and lunch to minimize disruption to the Committee/Council. Sending of fraudulent, harassing, or obscene messages is prohibited.
Information published on the Internet using College devices should not violate or infringe upon the rights of others. No abusive, profane, or offensive language is to be transmitted through the system. The Internet should not be used for personal social interaction, personal gain, or advancement of individual views. Solicitation of non-College business or any use of the Internet for personal gain is prohibited. Council members should not use the Internet or any technology for any illegal downloads or put the College in any situation whereby the College is represented in an unprofessional manner.
Council members are issued a College email account to conduct College business. All College electronic communications must be conducted using the assigned College account and saved for use as a business record by the College. The College reserves the right to monitor, scan and view the College email accounts with or without the knowledge of the Council member.
Council members should be aware that all information created, stored, and transmitted during Council operations remains part of the corporate record and may be subject to requests or audits as defined by legislation. It is possible that employees of the College may directly access Council records or accounts, and may inadvertently view information, while carrying out their responsibilities related to technical support or information governance. The College policy prohibits information being sought, shared, or used by employees that is not directly related to them carrying out their job responsibilities.
I have read and understood policy Council Member’s Code of Conduct. By signing below, I also acknowledge understanding and agreement and will comply with the CRNA External Technology User Agreement. I understand this policy and agree to abide by the code and procedures. At present, I do not have, nor do I anticipate having in the future, a conflict of interest. I agree to disclose any conflict of interest that arises to the following appropriate person: Chair, CEO and Registrar or Committee Chair.
______________________________________ | ______________________________________ |
Council member name (please print) | Council member signature |
______________________________________ | |
Date signed |