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Helping Applicants Meet the Currency Requirements to Obtain a Permit

Oct. 28, 2022

To apply for or maintain a permit, the College of Registered Nurses of Alberta (CRNA) will confirm that applicants meet all the requirements to practise that year. This is part of our mandate to protect the public. One of the requirements, currency of practice, demonstrates that an applicant has sufficient experience providing nursing services — whether in clinical settings, administration, education or research.

As part of our goal to transform the application process, the CRNA is expanding how to meet the currency of practice requirement. Applications will focus on recent hours rather than the last five years. Applicants are now required to meet any one of the following six (6) requirements:

  • Provided nursing services within the past three years. 
  • Completed a nursing competency assessment within the past three years. For example, the Alberta Registered Nurses Assessment Program (ARNAP).
  • Completed a bridging program or approved nursing refresher program within the past five years rather than two. 
  • Met another requirement as determined by the Registrar or the Registration Committee. 

This is in addition to the long-standing existing ways: 

  • Practised a minimum of 1,125 nursing practice hours within the past five years. 
  • Graduated from an approved nursing program within the past five practice years (Oct. 1 to Sept. 30).

We are increasing the ability of applicants to move here from somewhere in Canada. These changes will allow more registered nurses to transfer their permits to Alberta and get people to work faster. 

This decision also offers flexibility when taking leaves from practice for reasons such as education, taking other kinds of leaves and/or taking parental leave.