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Indigenous History Month: Reflecting on the Past for a Better Future

Indigenous History Month is a time to celebrate the rich cultures, traditions and contributions of Indigenous Peoples. It is also an opportunity to confront the painful aspects of history, such as the Indian hospital system, which subjected Indigenous patients to substandard and often abusive treatment. Understanding this history is essential for acknowledging the resilience of Indigenous communities and the enduring impacts of colonial practices.

Over the next month, the College will share a three-part series on P.E.T.E. exploring the history of Indian hospitals in Turtle Island (Canada), the ongoing barriers to health care for Indigenous communities, and the role of regulatory bodies like the College in fostering reconciliation and improving health outcomes.

The Importance of Reflection and Reconciliation

Reflecting on past injustices is a crucial step towards reconciliation. By examining the legacy of Indian hospitals, we can better understand the systemic barriers that continue to affect Indigenous Peoples today. This reflection is not just about acknowledging historical wrongs but also about learning from them to create a more equitable and just future.

Stay tuned for the upcoming articles:

  1. The History of Indian Hospitals in Alberta: Exploring the establishment, conditions and legacy of Indian hospitals.
  2. The Continuing Barriers to Health Care for Indigenous Peoples: Examining the current health care disparities and barriers faced by Indigenous communities.
  3. The Role of the CRNA in Addressing Historical Injustices: Highlighting the critical role of the CRNA in promoting equitable nursing practices and policies.

Mental health supports are available 24 hours a day, seven days a week for Indigenous Peoples across Canada through The Hope for Wellness Help Line at 1-855-242-3310 or through their online chat.