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Employer Newsletter - Feb. 19, 2025

Feb. 19, 2025

As a collaborator in Alberta's health care ecosystem, the College of Registered Nurses of Alberta (CRNA) is committed to supporting employers in fostering a professional, competent and ethical nursing workforce through Right-touch relational regulation.

Introducing the CRNA Regulatory Video & Webinar Series

Join the CRNA as we discuss discretion, proportionality and compassion in nursing regulation, and how adopting a new philosophy and approach affects each of our core functions.

The CRNA's Regulatory Spectrum Video & Webinar Series provides information about how Right-touch relational regulation shapes the way we regulate in the public's interest. Each session is led by subject matter experts from the College and provides the opportunity to learn about various aspects of the CRNA's role as a regulator. 

Practice Guidance Webinar | March 13, 10:00 a.m.

Practice guidance plays a crucial role in promoting safe and effective nursing care for the public. As a Right-touch relational regulator, the CRNA is committed to transparency and providing comprehensive information to help registrants, collaborators and the public understand critical or complex areas in the nursing practice.

Join our practice guidance experts as they explain the CRNA's Practice Guidance Framework, and how we use it to support registrants and protect the public.

New Video: The CRNA Regulatory Spectrum

Are you interested in knowing more about what the CRNA does and how we do it?

The CRNA has created a video that shares how we regulate in the public interest, and balance our legislated duty to protect Albertans with compassion and proportionality. Check it out now to learn more about our journey to becoming a Right-touch relational regulator and the benefits this brings to our registrants and the public.

Introducing the CRNA Key Dates Calendar

The CRNA is pleased to announce the launch of our 2025 Key Dates calendar. This comprehensive calendar highlights important events and deadlines for the upcoming year, including the dates for renewal, when certain data will be available and the dates of upcoming engagement opportunities. Stay informed and engaged by visiting the 2025 Key Dates page.

Feedback Needed on Standards

The CRNA regularly asks for input from the public as it develops and revises the standards and guidelines to ensure they are evidence informed and align with best practice. There are currently 13 standards under review and in need of your valuable input.