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June 2024 Council Meeting

Council Highlights from June 2024

June 20, 2024

The College of Registered Nurses of Alberta (CRNA) held its quarterly Council meeting on June 13. The recording and highlights are now available.

2024 Council Appointments and Council Chair Appointment

Council Acting Chair and Chair of the Leadership Review and Governance Committee (LGRC) Steven Armstrong announced Council’s approval of the following registrant members to Council for the three-year term, effective Oct. 1, 2024, to Sept. 30, 2027:

•    Justin Burkett (reappointment)
•    Sarah Scahill 
•    Jordana Schmitz 

Acting Chair Armstrong also announced Council’s decision to reappoint Justin Burkett as Council Chair for a two-year term, effective October 1, 2024, to September 30, 2026.

CEO and Registrar's Report and Updates

The CRNA's CEO and Registrar, Joy Peacock, discussed current issues relevant to the nursing profession across Canada and presented an overview of legislation that impacts the work of the CRNA and its Council.

Nursing Policy Documents

Modernization of Standards of Practice
Council was given an update on the ongoing work to review and modernize the College’s standards of practice, scope of practice documents, guidelines and other nursing practice documents. This work includes updating and streamlining these documents to make them more concise and clearer. The revised documents will use plain and inclusive language.

Development of New Code of Ethics
Members of the CRNA’s Regulation and Standards team presented on the College’s plan to develop a new Code of Ethics for registrants, which would be used in place of the Canadian Nurses Association (CNA) Code of Ethics. In 2017, the CRNA adopted the current version of the CNA’s Code of Ethics.

Nurse Practitioners Update

General Health System Update
Two senior staff members from the Government of Alberta’s Ministry of Health shared an update on the province’s Nurse Practitioner Primary Care Program, which was announced in April.

CRNA Nurse Practitioners (NP) Initiatives Workplan Update
A status update was presented on the NP Initiatives Workplan, which supports the regulation of nurse practitioners. CRNA staff shared details with Council on completed activities and those anticipated in the months ahead. The workplan was originally endorsed by Council in December 2023. 

Proposed Legislation Amendments
Andrew Douglas, the CRNA’s Executive Director of Governance, Regulation and Standards was joined by Jennifer Mador, President of the Nurse Practitioner Association of Alberta, to share information on proposed legislation amendments. Council voted to support the proposed amendments, which will be presented to the Minister of Health for consideration. 

Regulatory Committee Appointments

Council approved the recommendation put forward by the Nominating Committee regarding several appointments, reappointments and rescindments to the CRNA’s regulatory committees.

Registration Committee

  • Chioma Uchendu (public member) (appointed)
  • Roberta Hawkes (public member) (appointed)
  • Lunda Mbesha (registrant member) (appointed)
  • Augustina Adekoya (registrant member) (appointed)

Registration Review Committee

  • Michelle Miller (public member) (appointed)
  • Erica Uzokwe (public member) (appointed)
  • Nelson Roth (public member) (appointed)
  • Raj Bhatti (registrant member) (appointed)
  • Nathan Sabey (public member) (rescinded)

Competence Committee

  • Jocelyn Lockyer (public member) (reappointed)
  • Shelley Ammeter Heinz (registrant member) (appointed)
  • Simone Persaud (registrant member) (appointed)

Leadership Review and Committee Chair Appointment

Councillor Armstrong’s term on the Leadership Review and Governance Committee (LRGC) was extended for one year, and he was reappointed Chair of the LRGC for a term effective Oct. 1, 2024 to Sept. 30, 2025 or upon the end of his term on Council, whichever is shorter.

Council also discussed the chosen approach to succession planning for positions such as the Chair of the LRGC.

2024-2025 Practice Year Permit Fee 

Council approved the fee structure for the 2024-2025 practice year which runs from Oct. 1, 2024 to Sept. 30, 2025. The renewal fee for a permit remains unchanged at $480 (plus GST). Additionally, the breakdown of prorated fees remains unchanged.

Council Oversight Roles 

Council approved a recommendation from the LRGC detailing six oversight roles and related responsibilities to support Council in fulfilling its mandate. 

Performance Measurement Working Group Update   

Council received an update on the ongoing activities of the Performance Measurement Working Group, which has convened several times. The group ‘s role is to assist the CRNA's management team and Council in creating performance measures that support assessment of the College's performance and achievement of its regulatory mandate. 

CRNA Cybersecurity  

Council heard from Andrew Slessor, the CRNA’s Director of Digital Strategy and Enablement on the College’s approach to cybersecurity and the measures in place to protect registrants and the public.