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Practice Guidance Webinar

March 13 | 10:00 a.m.

Practice guidance plays a crucial role in promoting safe and effective nursing care for the public. As a Right-touch relational regulatorthe CRNA is committed to transparency and providing comprehensive information to help registrants, collaborators and the public understand critical or complex areas in the nursing practice.

Join our practice guidance experts as they explain the CRNA's Practice Guidance Framework, and how we use it to support registrants and protect the public.

After the webinar, a video recording of the session will be shared on this page.

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Click on the link below to register for the CRNA's Practice Guidance Webinar. It's free to attend, but you must register in advance.

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Ask a Question

Do you have a question about the CRNA's Regulatory Spectrum, Right-touch relational regulation or practice guidance? Submit your question using the form below by March 6, 2025 and we will do our best to answer it in the session.

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